My name’s Rob.
I’m a fan of music, and physical media in particular. I got myself a 3D printer out of curiosity really, but quickly became a fan of that too.
At some point near the beginning of 2019 I made myself a Now Playing stand, and then thought I’d have a go at selling them on Etsy. By the end of April 2021 I’d made 10,000 sales on there and about a thousand on Amazon and eBay, and by the end of 2022 that Etsy figure was up to 30,000. Somewhen during that time I thought I should have my own website too.
So here it is. This is my website, where you can see and buy the things I make. I’ve started to build a bit of a mailing list so I can send out product updates and special offers, so if you could sign up to that by clicking on the banner at the top, that’d be great.